I Doubled my Print on Demand Profit Margins

Sometimes you have to switch things up.

As you might know from my previous posts, I’m selling Print on Demand products on various e-commerce platforms:

These are the 3 main platforms. There are of course many more, but you should definitely get started with these.

I sell POD products on these platforms by connecting “Production partners” to them. My main 3 production partners are:

There are of course many more, but after research I found these to be best.

In this article…

I will compare the price / profits you can make from selling a hat via Printful, vs selling a hat via Printify.

What is going to be the best?

image made by me in Canva


Before getting started, it’s important to note that I’m talking about the ETSY integration here.

Awkward styles has no direct integration with Amazon, however IT IS possible to link the two, using a workaround (which isn’t that hard).

But I’ll talk about it in another blog article.

For now, let’s focus on Production Partner + Etsy.

Selling hats

As a print on demand seller, there are multiple products that we can sell. The most popular ones are:

  • t-shirts
  • sweatshirts
  • hats
  • posters

In the past, I’ve been selling hats via Printful.

The problem is — you need to pay a “digitization fee”.

Let me explain.

Digitization fee

Let’s say you upload a design to Printful, put it on a hat, and the hat sells.

The first time the hat sells, Printful has to “digitize” your uploaded file, and convert it to “I-don’t-know-what”.

For this conversion, you pay a fee of $6.50:

screenshot from Printful.

Once you’ve uploaded your design, you can see the “base price” of what it would cost you to PRODUCE the hat; which is around $15.50:

screenshot from printful

Add them together:

15.50 + 6.50 digitization fee = $21.00 product cost

You can’t really ask more than $21 for a hat, can you? Maybe just a little bit, but around $24.99 is for me the maximum price I’d pay for a hat.

So do you have profits on this first sale? No.

screenshot from printful

Awkward Styles

On the other hand, if you’d use Awkward Styles, there is:

  • no digitization fee
  • lower product cost

In fact, selling a hat via Awkward Styles will cost you ONLY $10.50 (for the pro plan).

The difference


  • Selling a hat via Printful: $21.00
  • Selling a hat via Awkward Styles: $10.50

Yes, the Printful price is only that high during the first sale, later it will be reduced because digitization has already been done… but then still, the base price will be $14.50.

Make your pick!


There are a few different production partners out there. While Printful is the easiest and biggest, Awkward Styles is cheaper and has just as good — if not better — quality of products.

So it’s wise to check and test them both.

Best of luck on your POD journey!


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Did you know? I also write about different passive income streams like Print on Demand, YouTube Automation, investing tips, healthy habits and just keeping yourself motivated to keep going every day!

P.S. Don’t forget to get your Financial Improvement Tracker Worksheet here while it’s still CRAZILY DISCOUNTED (just $2 WTF)!


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Michiel Schuer


Enthusiastic about learning new things, side-hustles, and translating my personal experiences into motivational stories.

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